Saturday, June 09, 2007

Ignore,Laugh, Fight & Win

Portrait of Mahatma Gandhi
Painting by Vikas Kamat. Acrylic on canvas, 2003

First they ignore you.

Then they laugh at you.

Then they fight you.

Then you win.

--Mahatma Gandhi

I first heard this quot from Bob Geldof yesterday when he was commenting on G8 summit.
there is a strange relation between what Gandhi said and what I released in my life. I mean which ever aspects of my life, education, work and social-political. I clearly remember the way my teacher in university treated me in his class. I notice these phases in my current job and I feel bad about this words regarding to my country.
Any way if anybody reads this post I would appreciate his comment on the quot and the relation to our life in My Country Iran.

1 comment:

The Monkey In The Corner said...

I think it depends on who "they" are.

At work it worked for me perfectly. As more and more other jealous or sick colleagues probe/meddle/disturb you, and you do not pay attention to them, they get weaker and you gain more power and respect.

But this strategy sure didn't work for Indians (American Indians)! and I think it won't work for Iran. We have already lost the game.