"The lake house" is a fantasy movie released in 2006. It is directed by Alejandro Agresti and Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock played the lead roles. Its story is about love and loving a person in different place and different time!
All the movies based on time travel or being informed of events in the future (or even past!) use a medium. In a TV serial it was the newspaper of tomorrow. In the movie "Frequency" it was a radio and in this movie it is a mail box in front of a lake house.
The lake house has some special characteristics. It is built on lake water, water flows underneath but the house is there. It is very symbolic. Another characteristic which is also covered in the dialogue is that it has no walls and mostly it has windows. The house could itself be the medium but it was not and I liked that.
Anyway writing a story which is going to play with time is hard, especially when you want to use butterfly effect in it. The movie try to make us beware of that at that tree scene and make it well but it could not satisfied me in the other scenes.
What if I could change my life by writing to a girl living some years ahead of me? Just imagine!
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Holy ...
I wrote a comment but thanks to the ministry of communication and our internet speed it was lost because of "taking too long to get a response"!
I was trying to say that I didn't like this film. It's an ABR! (Another Boring Romantic).
The most awful part was the birthday party and the incident and worse than that was the happy ending. ;)
I like happy ends but this one, I don't know, it feels like Bullock could be Keanu's mother in this film, not his lover.
take care.
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