Monday, May 28, 2007

What if

"The lake house" is a fantasy movie released in 2006. It is directed by Alejandro Agresti and Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock played the lead roles. Its story is about love and loving a person in different place and different time!

All the movies based on time travel or being informed of events in the future (or even past!) use a medium. In a TV serial it was the newspaper of tomorrow. In the movie "Frequency" it was a radio and in this movie it is a mail box in front of a lake house.

The lake house has some special characteristics. It is built on lake water, water flows underneath but the house is there. It is very symbolic. Another characteristic which is also covered in the dialogue is that it has no walls and mostly it has windows. The house could itself be the medium but it was not and I liked that.

Anyway writing a story which is going to play with time is hard, especially when you want to use butterfly effect in it. The movie try to make us beware of that at that tree scene and make it well but it could not satisfied me in the other scenes.

What if I could change my life by writing to a girl living some years ahead of me? Just imagine!

Friday, May 25, 2007


"The Fountain" is directed by Darren Aronofsky. The movie released in 2006.It is his next movie after "Requiem for a Dream".
I can't say I like this movie. I may rate it 2 or 3 from 5. If I want to compare it with his previous work, I have to say I am disappointed. I expect a very better film.
The movie starts by mixing three different characters from different eras. At the end of movie, you can understand these characters belong to past, present and future. The base character is a man (the same man in tree eras) and the main stream is love. The man from the past loves a woman who is hard to achieve. The man from the present loves a woman who is achieved but there is a fear to loose. The man from the future loves a woman who is wishfully going to achieve if the mission accomplished successfully. At the end there is another mixing of the characters that let the viewer choose the ending.
Any way, when I look the movie up in IMDB, I noticed it is also categorized as science fiction. In Sci-Fi you are looking for a base resumption which the whole story is happening around it. I can't find such resumption but I find that the resumption is philosophical or mostly religious. The resumption is metempsychosis or transmigration of souls. This is the main idea of religions or ideologies like Buddhists, Yoga and Eckankar. You can find a single soul in those three men of times and is somehow depicted in the last scenes. So I may categorize this file as Reli-Fi(religious fiction) more than Sci-Fi.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fallen Art

Fallen Art (Polish Sztuka spadania) is the name of a 6-minute, animated short film written and directed by Tomasz BagiƄski. It is his Second film. In 2006 it has received the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Award.


Atoll, An old, forgotten military base somewhere in the Pacific. Soldiers who lost their minds, due to the hardships of past missions, and exemplary officers the Army can't yet get rid of are sent there. There, far away from civilization, laws and rules they nurture their insanities.

Sergeant Al cultivates his love for young and brave soldiers.

Dr. Friedrich cultivates his talent for photography.

And the old, mentally lost General A creates his art. He uses neither paper nor canvas. He attempts something completely different.

It is very beautiful. You may find some clues but the whole idea is amazing. If you consider it as a philosophy, it will be so easy to define the leaders' actions.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


I also attended "the dark side of the moon" tour by Roger Waters in Dubai. I was like most the Iranian attendants looking forward to hearing a word about Iranians from Roger. Instead we hear some good phrases about Arabs before "Leaving Beirut".

The day before I was listening to "Me or him" from "Radio K.A.O.S." and I noticed at the end of track a sentence in the back ground. The man says: "Do you really think Iranian terrorist would have taken Americans hostage if Ronald Reagan was president?"

I know lots of foreigners and home citizens. I respect them for their role in human society. It is thoroughly a personal and individual respect and I hope there is such respect mutually. But from a nation point of view I saw no signs of respect between the two countries.

Any way I have no clue if Roger calls America home or not.