It is an odd coincidence that I saw "Before Sunrise" on one of satellite channels then I found the "Before Sunset" in my shelf, not yet seen. I am very glad that I had not seen the later because when I saw it the other day it pleased me very much.
"Before Sunrise" at the beginning seemed to me a normal and popular movie. I was sitting at my chair and think of it as an American boy, Jesse (Ethan Hawke), say hello to a European girl, Celine (Julie Delpy), then Bang and Bye. But the movie really shocked me as movie continued. They began to talk and talk about everything they like and enjoyed to be with each other and all the things they do is freely and respectfully chosen. They were so attached to each other in that night that they don’t even exchange address or phone numbers to each other but promised to see each other six month later.
Although the base of the story seems so fictions and fantasy to me, the conversations worth a lot because they talk about everything two couple often talk about. And the subjects and the words are cleverly chosen and sequenced that I shall recommend it to all of my friends.
One of the scenes reminded me of the classic movie "The Third Man (1949)" when Jess and Celine ride on The Ferris wheel in Vienna.

In "Before Sunset", the page turns. Jesse is back again in Europe, not in Vienna but Paris to talk about his book. Celine goes to the book shop and they meet each other after 9 years. Now they -having an unbelievable intimacy- begin to talk. This time, the subjects and words are completely approached different. They talk about life, love, marriage, religion and world's problem. The whole idea of each person is the same as 9 years ago but broader and experienced.
Those long takes are astonishing. Delpy and Hawke start from the first turning into a French alley and with no interruption or changing they walk along to the next turning. Another Interesting thing about the movie is that it is real time. The time elapsed in the story is also the run time of the film.
The last common interesting thing about these two love story movies is that you can not put an end to the movie.
May be we can see another sequel after 9 years when they are in their middle-ages.