Saturday, November 25, 2006

What we loose!

When time passes by we always missed somthing. Most of our positive thinker friends believe that we gain somthing during spending time. I agree in some cases. At least we gain good experiences.
Vice versa we also loose something. There is always a balance between these two. I think we mostly loose our intimacy and friendship. I don’t want to blame anybody here. It is mostly the society we leave that make us behave so.

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Andeyev, Alexey V.

Spring backup in CS lab:
time to fall in love with
certain humanware.

Ed \"Darts Vapor\" Button

alone, on the web,
drops of sensitivity
embrace an eyelash

Chris Spruck

Faceless, just numbered.
Lone pixel in the bitmap-
I, anonymous.